Welcome to OMR Dataset Tools’s documentation!

This is a collection of tools for working with the datasets referenced from this repository, including common function like:

  • Downloading the datasets and extracting them

  • Processing specific datasets, e.g. generating images from the raw HOMUS dataset.

A pip-package is available so you can include the tools conveniently into your projects by using

pip install omrdatasettools

Example usage

Consider you want to work with the HOMUS dataset, you can use the following script to download the dataset:

from omrdatasettools import Downloader, OmrDataset

downloader = Downloader()
downloader.download_and_extract_dataset(OmrDataset.HOMUS_V2, "data")

Once the download has completed, you may want to work with images, instead of textual descriptions, so we can generate them.

from omrdatasettools import HomusImageGenerator


Note that the image generator has a lot of options that define how the images will be generated, but to stay with this example, it will create image of the size 192x96, draw the symbols with a line-thickness of three pixels, superimpose five staff-lines with 14 pixel space inbetween, beginning at 24 pixels from the top.

Indices and tables