Source code for omrdatasettools.MuscimaPlusPlusMaskImageGenerator

import argparse
import os
from enum import Enum
from glob import glob
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy
from PIL import Image
from import read_nodes_from_file, parse_node_classes
from mung.node import Node
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] class MaskType(Enum): """ The type of masks that should be generated """ #: creates mask images, where each type of node gets the same color mask (for semantic segmentation). #: The classes staffLine, staff and staffSpace are ignored. NODES_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION = 1 #: creates mask images, where the masks of the staff lines are contained for instance segmentation. #: All five lines that form a staff will have the same color. STAFF_LINES_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION = 2 #: creates mask images, where each staff will receive one big blob (filling the staff space regions) per staff #: line for instance segmentation. So each staff will have a different color. STAFF_BLOBS_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION = 3
[docs] class MuscimaPlusPlusMaskImageGenerator: def __init__(self) -> None: self.path_of_this_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.class_to_color_mapping = dict()
[docs] def render_node_masks(self, raw_data_directory: str, destination_directory: str, mask_type: MaskType): """ Extracts all symbols from the raw XML documents and generates individual symbols from the masks :param raw_data_directory: The directory, that contains the xml-files and matching images :param destination_directory: The directory, in which the symbols should be generated into. Per file, one mask will be generated. :param mask_type: The type of masks that you want to generate, e.g., masks for each node or staff lines only. """ print("Extracting Masks from Muscima++ Dataset...") node_classes = parse_node_classes( os.path.join(raw_data_directory, "v2.0", "specifications", "mff-muscima-mlclasses-annot.xml")) for index, node_class in enumerate(node_classes): self.class_to_color_mapping[] = index + 1 file_paths = self.__get_all_file_paths(raw_data_directory) for xml_file, png_file in tqdm(file_paths, desc="Generating mask images"): original_image = # type: Image.Image nodes = read_nodes_from_file(xml_file) destination_filename = os.path.basename(xml_file).replace(".xml", ".png") if mask_type == MaskType.NODES_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION: self.__render_masks_of_nodes_for_semantic_segmentation(nodes, destination_directory, destination_filename, original_image.width, original_image.height) if mask_type == MaskType.STAFF_LINES_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION: self.__render_masks_of_staff_lines_for_instance_segmentation(nodes, destination_directory, destination_filename, original_image.width, original_image.height) if mask_type == MaskType.STAFF_BLOBS_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION: self.__render_masks_of_staff_blob_for_instance_segmentation(nodes, destination_directory, destination_filename, original_image.width, original_image.height) original_image.close()
def __get_all_file_paths(self, raw_data_directory: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Loads all XML-files that are located in the folder. :param raw_data_directory: Path to the raw directory, where the MUSCIMA++ dataset was extracted to """ annotations_directory = os.path.join(raw_data_directory, "v2.0", "data", "annotations") xml_files = sorted([y for x in os.walk(annotations_directory) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.xml'))]) images_directory = os.path.join(raw_data_directory, "v2.0", "data", "images") png_files = sorted([y for x in os.walk(images_directory) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.png'))]) return list(zip(xml_files, png_files)) def __render_masks_of_nodes_for_semantic_segmentation(self, nodes: List[Node], destination_directory: str, destination_filename: str, width: int, height: int): image = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.uint8) skipped_classes = ["staffSpace", "staff", "staffLine"] for node in reversed(nodes): if node.class_name in skipped_classes: continue try: symbol_class = node.class_name color_mask = node.mask * self.class_to_color_mapping[symbol_class] for i in range(node.height): for j in range(node.width): if color_mask[i, j] != 0: image[ + i, node.left + j] = color_mask[i, j] except Exception: print("Error drawing node {0}".format(node.unique_id)) image = Image.fromarray(image, mode="L") os.makedirs(destination_directory, exist_ok=True), destination_filename)) def __render_masks_of_staff_lines_for_instance_segmentation(self, nodes: List[Node], destination_directory: str, destination_filename: str, width: int, height: int): image = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.uint8) included_classes = ["staffLine"] staff_line_index = 0 staff_index = 1 for node in nodes: if node.class_name not in included_classes: continue if staff_line_index == 5: staff_line_index = 0 staff_index += 1 staff_line_index += 1 try: color_mask = node.mask * staff_index for i in range(node.height): for j in range(node.width): if color_mask[i, j] != 0: image[ + i, node.left + j] = color_mask[i, j] except Exception: print("Error drawing node {0}".format(node.unique_id)) image = Image.fromarray(image, mode="L") os.makedirs(destination_directory, exist_ok=True), destination_filename)) def __render_masks_of_staff_blob_for_instance_segmentation(self, nodes: List[Node], destination_directory: str, destination_filename: str, width: int, height: int): image = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.uint8) included_classes = ["staffLine"] staff_line_index = 0 staff_index = 1 first_staff_line_of_staff = None for node in nodes: if node.class_name not in included_classes: continue if staff_line_index == 4: try: for i in range(, node.bottom): for j in range(node.left, node.right): image[i, j] = staff_index except Exception: print("Error drawing node {0}".format(node.unique_id)) if staff_line_index == 5: staff_index += 1 staff_line_index = 0 staff_line_index += 1 if staff_line_index == 1: first_staff_line_of_staff = node image = Image.fromarray(image, mode="L") os.makedirs(destination_directory, exist_ok=True), destination_filename))
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--raw_dataset_directory", type=str, default="../data/muscima_pp", help="The directory, where the raw Muscima++ dataset can be found") parser.add_argument( "--image_dataset_directory", type=str, default="../data/muscima_pp_masks", help="The directory, where the generated bitmaps will be created") parser.add_argument( "--mask_type", type=str, default="nodes_semantic", help="One of the following types to be generated: [nodes_semantic, staff_lines, staff_blob]. " "Depending on the selected type, different mask images will be created: " "- nodes_semantic, creates mask images, where each type of node gets the same color mask " " (for semantic segmentation). The classes staffLine, staff and staffSpace are ignored" "- staff_lines, creates mask images, where the masks of the staff lines are contained for instance " " segmentation. All five lines that form a staff will have the same color." "- staff_blob, creates mask images, where each staff will receive one big blob (filling the staff space " " regions) per staff line for instance segmentation. So each staff will have a different color.") flags, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args() if flags.mask_type not in ["nodes_semantic", "staff_lines", "staff_blob"]: raise Exception( "Invalid option for mask type selected. Must be one of [nodes_semantic, staff_lines, staff_blob], " "but was " + flags.mask_type) if flags.mask_type == "nodes_semantic": mask_type = MaskType.NODES_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION if flags.mask_type == "staff_lines": mask_type = MaskType.STAFF_LINES_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION if flags.mask_type == "staff_blob": mask_type = MaskType.STAFF_BLOBS_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION mask_image_generator = MuscimaPlusPlusMaskImageGenerator() # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable mask_image_generator.render_node_masks(flags.raw_dataset_directory, flags.image_dataset_directory, mask_type)